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精選商品,任選買3件或以上9 折


精選商品,任選買2件或以上95 折


精選商品,任選買2件或以上95 折


精選商品,任選買2件或以上95 折


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Sunki 生肌365天紅桑籽純物理防曬霜 SPF50 50ml



100%物理性防曬 SPF50 不油膩,不乾枯及易推開 高度防止UVA,UVB 及藍光


Sunki 生肌365天紅桑籽純物理防曬霜 SPF50  50ml

  • 高度防止UVA,UVB 及藍光
  • 100%物理性防曬
  • 不油膩,不乾枯及易推開 接近皮膚色澤
  • 容易上妝
  • 高效保濕
  • 對皮膚絕對溫和




  1. 紅桑籽油含有很高的維他命E、A、奧米加3及6脂肪酸,是非常好的抗氧化成分。研究發現紅桑籽油份具有等同二氧化鈦般優越的防曬功效高達SPF28+。 
  2. 馬達加斯加有機瓊崖海棠樹果實,含有多種脂肪酸,經常被運用在療發的皮膚病、青春痘、粉刺、皮膚傷處及難癒合的傷口上。 
  3. 胡蘿蔔籽精油能強化紅血球,改善膚色,使皮膚更緊實有彈性,還可淡化老人斑、白斑改善搔癢、濕疹、乾癬以及粗硬乾燥的皮膚,是早衰皮膚的救星。 
  4. 逆轉肌齡的荷荷芭油含豐富的「蠟脂」而我們的皮膚有20-30%是由蠟脂所構成,配合小麥胚芽油其抗自由基的特性,延緩皮膚老化,滋潤性強,可淡化細紋、妊娠紋、疤痕,對於皺紋肌膚極有幫助,減少青春痘所留下的痕跡及黑斑有一定的效果。 


Active ingredient:
Titanium Dioxide 20%, Zinc Oxide 2%

Modern life is difficult to separate from electronic devices such as computers and smartphones, which emit blue light. Direct exposure to blue light can cause skin cell discoloration, leading to hyperpigmentation and other skin problems, and accelerate skin aging. The longer our bodies and skin are exposed to these light sources, the more difficult it becomes to protect against them, and the greater the damage to our skin.

Physical sunscreens differ from chemical sunscreens, primarily relying on the reflection or scattering effects of titanium dioxide and zinc oxide to block UV rays for sun protection. They have high safety and stability, are immediately effective, require no waiting time, and can provide long-lasting protection against UV rays. They typically stay on the surface of the skin without chemical reactions, making them gentler on the skin.

We use high-quality plant extracts, such as:

Red raspberry seed oil, which contains high levels of vitamins E, A, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, making it an excellent antioxidant ingredient. Research has found that red raspberry seed oil has a superior sun protection factor of up to SPF28+ comparable to that of titanium dioxide.

Organic baobab fruit from Madagascar, which contains various fatty acids and is often used to treat skin diseases, acne, pimples, skin injuries, and slow-healing wounds.

Carrot seed oil, which can strengthen red blood cells, improve skin tone, make the skin firmer and more elastic, and can also reduce age spots, white spots, and improve itching, eczema, psoriasis, and rough, dry skin. It is a savior for premature aging skin.

Jojoba oil, which can reverse the signs of aging, contains rich "wax esters", and our skin is made up of 20-30% of wax esters. When combined with wheat germ oil's anti-free radical properties, it can delay skin aging, moisturize, reduce fine lines, pregnancy lines, scars, and is especially helpful for wrinkled skin and reducing the marks left by acne and black spots.

Active ingredients:
Titanium dioxide 20%, zinc oxide 2%


Main Ingredients: Pure Water, Titanium Dioxide , Zinc Oxide, Raspberry’s seed oil, Madagascar organic calophyllum inophyllum's seed oil, Carrot's seed oil, Jojoba oil and Wheat germ oil.
