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精選商品,任選買2件或以上9 折


精選商品,任選買2件或以上95 折


精選商品,任選買3件或以上9 折


精選商品,任選買2件或以上95 折


精選商品,任選買2件或以上95 折


精選商品,任選買2件或以上95 折


購物滿 HKD 500.00即享免運費優惠!(適用於 本地送貨、本地取貨 )

Sunki 生肌生物素三胜肽納米銀‧喚醒毛囊精華素 30ml



喚醒毛囊精華素呈水狀 不用過水 獨有專利配方 - 幫助毛囊細胞生長



Sunki 生肌生物素三胜肽納米銀‧喚醒毛囊精華素 30ml


  • •獨有專利配方 
  • •幫助毛囊細胞生長 
  • •效果顯著 
  • •溫和而不刺激 
  • •簡單方便容易使用 


生物素三胜肽 共軛納米銀專利配方能有助HFDPC(人類毛囊真皮乳頭細胞)的生長。所謂HFDPC是具有毛髮指揮塔作用的細胞。此細胞的增生和活性化,是長出毛髮、育毛不可缺的細胞。

無患子萃取 可於用後控油及防止細菌滋生。

 比黃金貴2倍的 藍銅胜肽,它可增加血管內皮生長因子(vascular endothelial growth factor, VEGF)的濃度,而 VGEF 被認為和加快頭髮生長以及增加毛髮毛囊有關。同時可促進頭皮血液循環及養分供給,抑制荷爾蒙(DHT)對掉髮的影響,促進毛囊由休眠期進入生長期,並延長頭髮生長期,還能增加毛囊數目並重健毛囊微血管;同時增進頭皮健康,預防掉髮,促進新頭髮長出,幫助新頭髮健康生長。而已它含有銅離子和可因自然蛋白水解的酵素,能使頭髮自然再生,經醫學證實是目前最天然無負擔的外用護理髮絲的方法。

茶樹純露 使頭髮光亮柔順, 也能供給頭髮及頭皮毛囊養份. 同時令頭皮會保留著酸性的保護膜。它對皮脂炎、嚴重頭皮屑、掉髮或是生長不均等症狀有幫助.

咖啡因 可防止引致脫髮的二氫睪酮損害毛髮細胞,並為髮根提供養分,從而幫助預防脫髮。

HOTFLUX 是穩定和安全的成分,它是一種油溶性熱感劑,作用於頭部皮膚後,能快速產生溫和持久的熱原效應,包括加快微循環,刺激皮下脂肪代謝,促進毛細管血液循環等。


用法: 洗頭後直接搽上脫髮位置頭皮 , 不用過水,建議每日使用 </em>

有3支 30ml</em>


Sunki Hair Follicle Reborn Serum    (BTCNS™) 30ml


  • •Unique patent formula 
  • •Helps hair follicle cells grow 
  • •The effect is remarkable 
  • •Mild and non-irritant 
  • •Simple and easy to use 

BTCNS™ patented formula helps HFDPC (human hair follicle dermal papilla cells) growth. The so-called HFDPC is a cell that has the function of a hair control tower. Proliferation and activation of this cell are essential for hair growth.

Sapindus extract can be used to control oil and prevent bacterial growth.

 "GHK-Cu", which is 2 times more expensive than gold, It increases the concentration of (vascular endothelial growth factor, VEGF), and VGEF is thought to be associated with accelerated hair growth and increased hair follicles. At the same time can promote the head skin's blood circulation and nutrient supply, inhibit the impact of hormone (DHT) on hair loss, promote the hair follicle from dormant phase into the growth phase, and prolong the first long-term, but also increase the number of hair follicles and re-intensify hair follicle microvessels; while promoting the head skin's health to prevent hair loss and promote new hair growth healthily. However, it contains copper ions and can be hydrolyzed by natural proteins's enzymes, it can naturally regenerate hair. It has been proved by medical science that it is the most natural method for externally applied hair care.

Tea Tree Water make the hairs bright and supple, also provide nutrients to hairs and hair follicle. At the same time the head skins' will retain the acidic protective film. It helps with dermatitis, severe dandruff, hair loss, or uneven growth.

Caffeine prevents the hair loss caused by dihydrotestosterone and provides nutrients to hair roots to help prevent hair loss.

HOTFLUX is a stable and safe ingredient. It is an oil-soluble heat-sensing agent that after contact with the skin of the head, it can quickly produce a mild and persistent pyrogenic effect, including accelerating microcirculation, stimulating subcutaneous fat metabolism, and promoting capillary blood circulation. 

 Main Ingredients: Pure Water, BTCNS™, Sapindus extract, GHK-Cu, Tea Tree Water, Caffeine and HOTFLUX.
